Discovering the Wealth of You with Sarah Grandinetti

Mar 27, 2024

Sarah Grandinetti shares here journey of self-discovery, finding her unique gifts and talents. During this journey, she became of facilitator of Access Consciousness learning to rely on herself and seeing her inner strength.

During this conversation, she also spoke about her experience as a parent and how she empowers her children to make choices that for their lives.

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Key Takeaways: 

  • Some people are in our lives for a season, some are there for a reason and others are for a lifetime.
  • Spreading my wings to choose led me to discovering what I wanted my life to be.
  • What wonder can I add here?



Sarah Grandinetti is a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness who inspires people to choose more and actualize their dreams. As a former owner of a celebrity hair salon in Los Angeles, Sarah brings a wide range of experience to all of her creations as well as her facilitation with people.

Whether presenting to an audience, facilitating classes or working one-on-one in a deep-dive session, Sarah offers a rare combination of humor, warmth and insight that invites people to feel empowered, release limitations and truly BE themselves.

Mentioned during the Podcast



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