The Joy of Gifting and Receiving with Sylvia Puentes

May 08, 2024

My guest Sylvia Puentes exudes joy, kindness and generosity of spirit. Join us as we explore trusting yourself and knowing what will work for you - even if it makes no sense to anyone else.

Sylvia Puentes is a leading lady in magic and life-changing work with Access Consciousness. She is an international speaker and facilitator empowering people to rediscover their gifts and joy in living. She works with the global Access Consciousness team as the Americas Regional Coordinator and El Lugar Resort Communications Coordinator.

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Key Takeaways: 

  • What can I choose that I am not choosing?
  • Everywhere I go, I am embraced by consciousness


She facilitates classes and private sessions on consciousness, business, being you, and having your voice in the world with curiosity, kindness, and her unique sense of joy-filled possibilities.

Sylvia has developed a range of unique and inspiring workshops and programs, including the Academic Parent Coaching Program, which has assisted youth, parents, and teachers in finding alternative methods to inspire and rediscover the joy of learning.

Mentioned during the Podcast




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