The Willingness to Be Different with Steve and Chutisa Bowman

Mar 13, 2024

Marilyn, Steve, and Chutisa discussed embracing uncertainty and taking risks in life and business. They emphasized the value of turning left, or making choices that create greater possibilities, rather than sticking to traditional paths. They also discussed the importance of being a catalyst for change and embracing diversity, and how asking questions can help leaders let go of fixed point of views and embrace new possibilities.

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Key Takeaways: 

  • Start to look for ways to create the biggest change with the least amount of effort 
  • Life is full of opportunities


Steven Bowman is a seasoned business and leadership adviser, with a great depth of experience and skill facilitating business leaders to have clarity of their vision, mission, and strategic priorities. He has held numerous senior executive, CEO and Board positions with some of the USA and Australia’s most prestigious organizations, as well as authoring and co-authoring over 14 books on business strategy, governance, risk, and conscious leadership.

Acknowledged as a pioneer in the field of strategic awareness, Steven has built a reputation around the world as an adviser who empowers his clients by offering multiple perspectives on any given challenge.

Chutisa Bowman is a dynamic transpersonal change facilitator, speaker, author, documentary producer, designer, and blogger. Her expertise in strategic awareness, creative imagination, and consciousness have made her a pioneering figure in the world of conscious living.

Her work encompasses various aspects, including health and wellness, happiness, and the pathways to success.

Mentioned during the Podcast



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