Trust the Magic with Cassy Summers

Oct 25, 2023

Have you ever yearned for something more? Known that there had to be something beyond what this world seemed to offer? My guest Cassy Summers let that insatiable desire for greater guide her into huge leaps of change into the unknown.

A large part of that quest was to search out tools and techniques to empower people looking for a greater, happier and more consciousness life. She’s still and always in pursuit of what else might be possible.

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Key Takeaways: 

  • What if you are capable of far more than you think you are?
  • It's ok to trust and follow the left turns. 


After a dynamic awakening in 2012, Cassy Summers has spent her life in the pursuit of tools and techniques to empower people like you, that are looking to have the freedom of a greater, happier, and more conscious living.

She is an Access Consciousness Certified facilitator, Life Coach, Mother, Author and Creator of As If By Magic.

Energetic Wizardry is her thing and she approaches it full of curiosity, with a dash of sass and a unique set of tools that she discovered with Access Conscious.




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